TRUE? Hausas Do Have Sex With Their Cows – Fani Kayode Makes Shocking Revelation (SEE THIS) - Ofofoloaded

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TRUE? Hausas Do Have Sex With Their Cows – Fani Kayode Makes Shocking Revelation (SEE THIS)

By OfofoLoaded | July 1, 2019 0


This is a shocker ??

Popular politician Femi Fani-Kayode took to his Twitter page earlier today to make a shocking revelation about Hausa people having Sex with cows they sell.

According to him, he stopped eating cow meat when he got to know about this animalistic act many years back.

He further claimed that even the Hausa/Fulani herdsmen that sells the cows don’t consume the meat at all.

Read what he Tweeted below:-

How true is this?

Am beginning to be afraid and will definitely stop eating Cow meat henceforth pending the time I confirm if this is true or false.

Do You Know Anything About This?

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