Simi and Adekunle Gold ‘fight dirty’ on Twitter over Semo and Gbegiri - Ofofoloaded

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Simi and Adekunle Gold ‘fight dirty’ on Twitter over Semo and Gbegiri

By OfofoLoaded | January 25, 2020 0


We reported earlier on Friday, 24th January that popular singer Simi stated that Gbegiri is disgusting and also revealed that she wonders how people eat semo.

The fight started when Simi tweeted, “Gbegiri is disgusting. Discuss. Like how can you eat amala and beans ffs? Are you feeling ok? Also, I don’t know how anybody with a conscience eats semo.”

Well, this has prompted a response from her husband, Adekunle Gold who ordered her to pull down the statement immediately.

Replying to her husband’s order, the sonorous singer asked him not to tell her what to do before going on to add that she has his type at home.

They made the exchange via their official Twitter handle.

See Their Exchange Below:

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