O Por!! Corporate Lagos Conductor: The Best Dressed Danfo Conductor You’ve Ever Seen? - Ofofoloaded

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O Por!! Corporate Lagos Conductor: The Best Dressed Danfo Conductor You’ve Ever Seen?

By OfofoLoaded | July 4, 2019 0


Have you ever seen a corporately dressed bus conductor? Well here is one who is standing different among his unruly pairs.

In the photos in this post is a bus conductor who is presently plying his trade in Lagos, the commercial capital of Nigeria.

This young man is one that comes with a clear/ clean  difference.

Daily, he sets out to his hustle to make a point. And that is, you don’t lose anything from being decently dressed as a commercial bus conductor in Lagos.

Indeed, this bus conductor succeeds in putting dignity in his labour.  Am damn sure that the young man will  be well-educated.

Which School Do You Think He Graduated From?

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