How to enjoy being single :- Ofofoloaded

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How to enjoy being single :-

By OfofoLoaded | October 22, 2019 0

Staying out of a relationship can be one of the most liberating things in life. Think about the freedom to make your own decisions without having to consult and get the approval of someone else. This is the time when one grows not only career wise but also emotionally and spiritually.

This is also the season where you have abundance of fun, going out, traveling to the places you have always wanted to go, having drunken nights and focusing all your energy to yourself. You also get to reconnect with your girl squad, have fun nights out.

Here are some tips on how you can enjoy being single:

Be unpredictable

When single, you do not need to run things by anyone or ask anyone how you should spend your time and money. During this time, there is nothing stopping you from moving to a new town, taking that vacation to your dream destination or buying that designer shoe or handbag you have wanted for so long. You are free, free to do what you want. So, take advantage of this time and be as spontaneous as possible.

Take a vacation

Taking a solo trip is one of the most important things one can do for themselves. A trip to a place you have never been to will help to set your mind free and release the pressures of life and a break up.

Visit a place you have never been to and enjoy some lone time. This may seem lonely and boring at first but the peace and self-realization that comes with the time spent alone in a new environment is all you need.

Spend time with your friends

People tend to sideline their friends when they get into relationships. Your friends and family are the only people you can turn to when single for inspiration and fun. Your friends will always have ideas of where to eat and hang out and they are always down for a girl’s night out.

Create a reading culture

Reading is one of the best ways to not only educate yourself but also entertain yourself. Find a new book to read either monthly or weekly depending on how fast you read books. You could read romance books then switch to a motivational and business empowerment book next time. Reading also motivates you as you can draw strength from how powerful the fictional characters tend to be in books.

You could get lost in the hassle and bussle of your newly found freedom. You need time to reflect and think about your life and your future. Take a meditation class to help you reflect on how things have been going for you.

Take some time out and ask yourself if you are happy. Search yourself from the inside and give yourself an honest answer. Reward yourself for doing well in some areas of your life and motivate yourself to do better where you have been lagging behind.


Find a new hobby

You might have had the same old hobby for ages but this is the time to discover yourself and find out what other things you enjoy doing. Single life is all about you and the things you love, so take your time and do it with all your might.

Whether it is painting, cycling, going to the gym or writing, you could finally open that blog you have wanted to open for a long time or sign up at the nearby gym and get that summer body. Test your limits by doing the things that scare you the most like going zip lining or visiting the Snake park.

Have nights out and also sleep in

Dress yourself up and go out as often as you can. Going for a night out with or without your friends is a necessity.

Take your time and unwind from the weekly pressures of work. One can also choose to stay up late watching a movie and having some wine then you sleep in the next morning.

Since there is no need to wake up early to cater for someone else, you can stay in bed for as long as you want. It is your world and you make the rules.

Enjoy being alone

Singlehood is fun but it can also take a toll on you if you do not learn how to be alone. You will have moments when you feel lonely and start thinking about your ex and feel like you miss being in a relationship.

Make sure you are always occupied by something, teach yourself how to be alone and how to enjoy your time when alone. You could read a book, play music and dance, go for movies or take a night drive to clear your thoughts. Being single gives you the strength to be independent and this only comes from you learning and enjoying being alone.

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